How Can Direct Primary Care Help Medicare Patients?
For complete information, please download our helpful guide here.
For complete information, please download our helpful guide here.
We recommend that you do carry insurance to comply with Federal Law. Whole Health Family Medicine Clinic does not replace insurance but is a medical service that more robustly addresses patients’ primary care needs. We encourage patients to carry a basic insurance plan (for example, a high deductible plan/major medical plan) to help ensure financial assistance […]
Yes, you may continue to carry your current insurance plan which may certainly be beneficial if you are in need of specialty care, outside lab and/or radiology services and medications obtained elsewhere.
Yes, Medicare coverage coupled with a Direct Primary Care provider is an increasingly popular and effective approach to accessing primary care services. Patients must sign an opt-out agreement that states neither they nor their provider will directly bill Medicare for their membership fee. Medicare beneficiaries may continue to use their Medicare and Medicare supplemental insurance […]
When coupled with a catastrophic medical policy, the Direct Primary Care model does meet the minimum requirement for coverage as set forth in the ACA. Specifically, Section 1301 (and amendment Section 10104) allows for Direct Primary Care to provide an alternative to traditional health insurance options when combined with a low-cost, high-deductible plan.